



Raphael Duhs


The best software developer for people with bright ideas who want to get things done


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Hello 👋 my name is Raphael and I am based in Vienna. I am an innovator by heart ❤️ My university education positions me exactly in the interface of business and tech. While I love to code and tackle complex problems, I also have an entrepreneurial mind. I would describe myself as someone that gets things done.

📬 Open for business requests: Contact me

NeedNect Solutions


  • based in Carinthia.
  • secured multiple Austrian fundings

CTO and Co-Founder

  • Responsible for product development, technical conception, implementation of the software and development of the business model https://solutions.neednect.com


  • Built a low-cost MVP to validate business needs
  • Transitioned from initial MVP to scaling architecture
  • Managed a small team of internal and external developers to implement business requirements
  • Led a successful penetration test and organisational cyber security audit (TÜV)
  • multiple pitches as co-founder

Trainer for web-development


As a freelance trainer at CODERS.BAY Vienna, I am actively involved in web development education, guiding aspiring IT professionals through intensive bootcamps. My role encompasses designing and delivering hands-on, project-based courses that focus on practical skills and real-world applications. I am dedicated to shaping the technical and problem-solving abilities of future programmers and IT specialists.



My service, Radiospotter, is designed to increase your chances of winning a specific radio contest in Austria. My intelligent system continuously screens the radio, alerting you as soon as it detects the contest is taking place. This way, you can quickly enter and increase your chances of winning, all while saving time and effort: https://radiospotter.xyz

media coverage:




Together with the CTO of deepLYNX, I helped develop a highly scalable and robust system. The software we developed is used in Southeast Asia to unify product data across multiple distribution channels. The concurrency of this process required our software design to include APIs from different companies in different countries. The flat hierarchies meant that I took on a lot of responsibility and worked on large parts of the system. At times also in the frontend. More information about the company: https://deeplynx.com  

  • Versatile backend development
  • Part of the decision making for the technical infrastructure and architecture decisions
  • Setting up complex ETL processes

Web 3


impulse lecture: NFT

For the “Train the team” i was invited as an expert to talk about Non Fungible Tokens. Part of the lecture was a technical introduction followed up by an outlook of possible applications for this technology.


MSc Degree, Information Management

Graduates of the program are able to assume responsibility for the company's entire internal information system, including the necessary IT solutions, in small and medium-sized enterprises. The focus is on the design, introduction, maintenance and further development of the information system in the company. In addition, graduates should also be able to manage the cross-company information networks required in the context of e-business.

The mind map of human thoughts
The mind map of human thoughts

About Me

Hello there! I'm a Techpreneur, or as my grandma likes to call me, a 'Digital Wizard.' I use my magic (also known as Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, and Technological Innovation) to conjure up solutions that make lives better and businesses thrive.

I'm the kind of guy who gets excited about things like blockchain and the latest AI applications. I'm always on the lookout for the next big thing in tech, ready to jump in and see how I can turn it into a tool for good.

As the CTO at NeedNect, I'm like a travel matchmaker, helping hotels and guests find their perfect match. I've waved my tech wand to create systems and digital products that have transformed the way we travel.

One of my superpowers is being able to speak both 'Business' and 'Tech.' So, if tech talk sounds like '101010010010' to you, don't worry, I'm here to translate and guide you through the digital landscape.

So, if you're looking for a tech-savvy, problem-solving, occasionally funny Digital Wizard to help you navigate the tech world, let's connect. Who knows? We might just create some magic together!


Raphael Duhs 1170 Wien Kalvarienberggasse 6 | Austria Softwareentwickler

E-Mail: dev@raphaelduhs.at

Mitglied der WKÖ, WKO WIEN, Fachgruppe Wien Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechnologie

Berufsrecht: Gewerbeordnung: www.ris.bka.gv.at

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Wien

Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, Beschwerden an die Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform der EU zu richten: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

Sie können allfällige Beschwerde auch an die oben angegebene E-Mail-Adresse richten. [Unser Anliegen: Softwareentwicklung]